Valenteano had a productive Prince day, and he pays homage to him in a musical way. Prince's music has accompanied him throughout his life - for him he was a total work of art, music, styling, creation, simply a true visionary, always far ahead of his time. He says: “Thank you for everything, Skipper”
Controversm by Spiriteano
5 on prince
1. What was the prince moment of your life to you?
The moment when Controvery came over the speakers at a Kool and the Gang concert, I was electrified. The next time I heard Crazy You and thought what a closeness this guy creates. Finally, of course, the movie Purple Rain.
2. What was Prince's greatest achievement for you: playing the guitar, singing, acrobatics, composing, acting?
For me, he showed that an artist should and must act free from all constraints, and that artists need complete freedom in order to develop fully.
3. Which album was the most valuable for you - and why?
Certainly Sign of the times, because there he allowed himself (similar to Fleetwood Mac with Dusk) to turn all the laws of production technology on their head without regard to commercial usability. Although I have to say that I really like his later albums, especially those with 3rdeyegirl.
4. Did Prince teach you something, what can nobody take from you anymore?
I certainly learned from him in terms of funk (alongside Nile Rogers) where the breaks belong and what it means that funk is what you don't play.
5. If you could have met Prince for a juice, what would you have talked about?
If he gives out Mayte's phone number LOL ;-)