“2 Prince” by Trenton Lundy
featuring Tyler Smith on Drums . Trenton Lundy- All other instruments and production
2018 United States, Ohio
“I created this song for him, my way of thanking him for a lifetime of great music and much wisdom”
5 on Prince
1. What was the Prince moment of your life to you?
The Prince moment of my life was in 2001. I attended the celebration. I arrived and seen my friend SKY was dj-ing on the outside stage. I went up and hung out with him and some friends of mine from London saw me and took me to the front of the house. There was a news station there asking people what they expected from Prince for that 7day celebration. She asked me and I said “I want the funk, the whole funk, and nothing but the funk”. I was very happy because people started clapping for me! Every night he gave a concert, each night was a different style of music. As the sho began, they would show clips of people answering the question about what they expected. Every night I was excited because just knew that they would play mine since people clapped for me.
By the 5th night they hadn’t showed my clip and I was a little offended. I was mad I didn’t even want to stay and see the show. As I was pouting and walking towards the door to leave, Prince comes on stage and says “So you want the funk, the whole funk and nothing but the funk?”
Well here it is! That whole night they played funk and I was truly amazed that he didn’t play my clip but answered me directly. Then at the last song, Prince and the band didn’t exit the back of the stage like normal, but they walked through the crowd, sining and shaking tambourines. He walked right up to me, bumped into me and smiled. I will never forget that night! :)
2. What was Prince's greatest achievement for you: playing the guitar, singing, acrobatics, composing, acting?
His greatest achievement to me was learning to play all the instruments, record and produce himself.
3. Which album was the most valuable for you - and why?
Lotusflow3r meant a lot to me because of the messages and truth he was revealing.
4. Did Prince teach you anything no one can ever take from you?
He taught me how to believe in myself, and that what I put my mind to I can do as long as I am determined, focused, and never stop chop chopping.
5. If you could have met Prince for a juice, what would you have talked about
If we met for a juice we would talk about whatever he wanted to :)
Trenton’s main artist site: trentonlundy4444.com