Götter gehen nie ganz (gods don’t really leave)

ABOUT: The drum groove of this song is basically inspired by Prince´s song "Housequake". We tried to combine it with our love for guitar music and funky electronica. Prince lives on in the heart of every musician who heard and saw him.

Composed, recorded and produced by Zweipunktzwei. Inspired by Prince.


by ZWEIPUNKTZWEI / translation German -> English by The Prince Fan Album

We love those who enlighten us.
Divine beings full of heart.
And when they have to leave us,
then there remains a infinite pain.

I have listened to and seen legends.
And her songs will never pass away.
The bright light that gods are giving,
we'll carry that as far as we can.
A spark flies.
The flames remain and illuminate the way forever.
Ahhhhhh, music is in me.
Ahhhhhh, the flame burns.
Ahhhhhh, music is in me.

A love that no one separates. On all paths!
Through all times! Legends live in us!
The gods ask to dance!
Sound is eternal and I live for it,
Music immortal inside us and gods don't really leave.
The mighty ghosts give blessings.
Legends live in music.
The one who can give good will do it.
And a song is a song is a song.

Ahhhhhh, music is in me.
Ahhhhhh, the flame burns.
Ahhhhhh, music is in me.
A love that nobody divides.

On all paths!
Through all times!
Legends live in us!
The gods ask to dance!
Sound is eternal and I live for it,
Music immortal in us and gods don't really leave.

Millions of tunes that accompany us inflame us again and again.
gods don't really leave! gods don't really leave!

On all paths! Through all times! Legends live in us!
The Gods ask to dance!
Sound is eternal and I live for it,
Music immortal in us and gods don't really leave.

“Götter gehen nie ganz” is available via iTunes, spotify etc.

If you like what you hear you can give them like here: http://www.facebook.com/zweipunktzwei

Ma Key and Franqee from ZWEIPUNKTZWEI

Ma Key and Franqee from ZWEIPUNKTZWEI

5 on Prince

by Frank Böhle // translation German -> English by The Prince Fan Album

1. What was the Prince moment of your life to you?

There are so many moments, but when I first heard Purple Rain's solo at the Prince concert in New York/Syracuse in 1985, I saw the light.
I am universally sure that this is the best guitar solo of all time. There may be faster and more complicated solos, but what Prince is doing in this version of this gigantically great song is superhuman. Every note, even the most dissonant, is kissed by God and perfectly right.

God, how often has it made me cry... :-D ;...( :-D

2. What was Prince's greatest achievement for you: playing the guitar, singing, acrobatics, composing, acting?

The ability to recognize, implement and recombine the best in every style of music. And his smart charm.
In acting he could certainly have improved even more.

3. Which album was the most valuable for you - and why?

Actually I love all albums of the phase from "Purple Rain" to "Sign O´ The Times", thanks not least to the great and highly appreciated cooperation of Wendy & Lisa.
The most innovative album of that phase for me is probably "Parade". But only maybe. Of course the "Black Album" should not be forgotten either...

4. Did Prince teach you anything no one can ever take from you?

If Prince taught me one thing, it is "Learn your instruments". One can no longer take away my experiences as a musician. Prince was a decisive impulse for me to be allowed to live the most beautiful of all professions.

5. If you could have met Prince for a juice, what would you have talked about?

About table tennis or something. Actually everything except music. Hopefully we would have done that. And of course we would have understood each other perfectly. :-D